Detailed steps to follow for your humidifier to be cleaned and disinfected

In winter, you should clean your humidifier thoroughly and often. These machines tend to grow mold and microbes because of all the water. These machines, if left uncleaned for a long time, will start to pump out bacteria along with the mist.

Everlasting comfort cool-mist humidifiers should be turned off and cleaned every week. If anyone has respiratory problems, this number must be increased. Always follow the instructions for cleaning the humidifier. It is important to avoid stagnant water, as this can be a breeding ground for bacteria. This is especially true for those who have health issues.

What is needed to clean the house?

Never use detergents or brushes that are abrasive to clean an Everlasting Comfort cool mist humidifier. Just put together these things:

  1. Buy distilled white vinegar
  2. Liquid chlorine bleach
  3. A small, soft brush is also needed. This could be either a dish brush or a toothbrush.

How to clean a humidifier

Both the warm steam and cool mist humidifiers can be cleaned using a similar process, though some parts may differ.

  • First, unplug the humidifier and disassemble it completely.
  • Pour 1 to 2 cups of pure white vinegar in the tank. Turn the tank so that the interior is completely wet. Some humidifiers will recommend a mixture of white vinegar with water.
  • Place the tank on the base, pour the vinegar into the tank and allow it to sit for 15-20 minutes.
  • Use a small brush to scrub the fissures. Remove any mineral residues.
  • Use a clean, spongy cloth or sponge that has been soaked in white vinegar undiluted to clean small areas like the tank cap.
  • Reassemble the humidifier after thoroughly rinsing and air-drying all parts.

NB: Never attempt to wash a wick filter. It can damage the paper-like substance and remove the antimicrobial coating. It is better to replace it with a brand new filter if this happens.

How to disinfect an humidifier

When a humidifier requires a deeper cleaning, a solution of bleach is recommended to help kill bacteria.

  • The humidifier should be disassembled and cleaned as follows.
  • Pour 1 gallon water, mix 1 teaspoon liquid chlorine bleach. Pour half to three quarters of the bleach solution into the water tank to wet the entire system. For some models, a mixture of 3% hydrogen peroxide with water is recommended. The leftover solution can be used in the second tank if the humidifier is equipped with one.
  • The tank should be placed in the case. Pour the bleach solution into the water reservoir. Let the mixture sit in these areas between 15 and 20 minutes.
  • Then, rinse all parts thoroughly with water to remove the bleach smell.
  • Reassemble and dry all the parts. You will have a disinfected and clean humidifier.