Sometimes, as a habitual thinker who overthinks things a lot, I am surprised by the amount of anxiety that random situations can create. It could be that something has never been a source of anxiety or stress before, but suddenly it does. My friend saw that I struggled with various issues from time to time and suggested I visit I was delighted to discover that there were so many types of CBD. This proved helpful as my anxiety would come out in different ways. CBD can be helpful in a variety of situations where stress and anxiety are common.
All is well until you plane hits the invisible dip in sky. You start to imagine 101 possible ways that you may not be able to get off the plane after you experience turbulence. You don’t have it to be this way. Did you know that 20-30% of people have anxiety when flying? CBD is helpful for a flight of 14 hours or 4 hours. Next time you board a plane, take a few CBD Gummies and relax while you watch the terrible in-flight movies or play sudoku.
The Fearful Blind Date
We’ve tried it all, especially now that we live in an age where technology is always with us. It’s becoming more common for people to find their soulmate online. It’s all well and good, but the first meeting can still be awkward (ok, maybe in most cases). You’re trying not to stare at each other while also trying to deal with the elephant that is sitting next to you. Take your CBD vape pen on a date and puff a few times before you enter. You will be so cool and calm that your date is sure to be a hit. CBD vape pens provide quick relief as they go straight to the bloodstream via the lungs.
Family Functions
Your family gatherings may be picture-perfect. There’s an agenda, everyone is chatting on pleasant topics, there are cocktails served and everyone drinks moderately. Maybe your family events are completely opposite and you don’t get home as often. CBD capsules can be a great option for those times when you need a steady, strong dose of CBD. I take 25mg capsules every morning, and if needed one more in the evening.
Some people are afraid of driving. It was strange because I had never experienced any problems driving before, but now I found myself clamming on the freeway. Even though I was in a city with more than a million people, I couldn’t figure out why my hands started to sweat and my chest tightened when I tried to merge onto the 405 freeway. The CBD pen is also useful because it can be used quickly and easily whenever you feel anxiety creeping on you. To overcome my anxiety, I combined CBD with driving as far as possible on the freeway. It worked like magic!
Interview Day
It can be exhausting to look for a new job. You are constantly updating your CV, sending it out, doing phone interviews, etc. You finally receive a call to attend an in-person meeting. You want the job, and this could be the start of your career. When you receive that call, begin your day by taking a few drops CBD tincture and practice your interview questions so that you can walk into the interview and OWN it! CBD will calm your nerves, allowing you to answer the questions with grace and style!
Meeting Your Future in Laws
You have finally been asked to marry your significant other, but now you must meet the in-laws. Some people will take advantage of this situation, and even self-sabotage it. If you’re in a similar situation, think of poor Greg from “Meet The Parents”. Check out this site (or another site that you like) to see which option works best for you. There are many options. I personally would take a CBD pill before going to ensure I kept my cool and made a good first impression. It’s best to be discreet when it comes to your CBD use, as you may not know how they feel about CBD. You can educate them later on CBD if they are not aware of it.
Social Anxiety is Real
There are many different types of anxiety. Social anxiety is not something that gets much attention. However, it’s a very real problem and affects approximately 7% of Americans. You can use CBD products to help you balance your anxiety when it comes to public speaking or simply being around other people at work or in school.
Anxiety does not have to be crippling. CBD allows people to live and enjoy their lives without stressing out or overanalyzing everything. It has helped me in many different situations. CBD has been proven to reduce stress and anxiety. There are many discreet ways you can incorporate it into your daily life. What do you have to lose if you give it a shot? You might miss out on something which can enhance your life to a level you never thought possible.