Spirulina – Harvesting the Potency from the Remarkably Potent Food

Spirulina, a blue-green alga, is non-toxic. Spirulina is one of the main sources of phycocyanobilin – a chromophore which binds effectively to human blood. This cyanobacterium is a powerful nutrient additive that can be used to make the best food on earth.

A tablespoon of spirulina contains all the essential vitamins and minerals that you need each day. The powdered form of this alga is rich in:

  • Four grams of protein
  • 1.7 grams of carbohydrates
  • 20 grams of calories
  • Thiamine (Vitamin B1): 11% of the RDA
  • Riboflavin (15% RDA)
  • Niacin (Vitamin B3) 4% of the RDA
  • Iron – 11% RDA
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Potassium
  • Other nutrients in reasonable amounts

Blue-green algae is also a superfood with many health benefits.

Spirulina is a high-nutritive content food.

Spirulina, a single-celled bacterium that can grow in both freshwater and seawater, is an important source of energy. The cyanobacteria biomass produces energy by photosynthesis. Superfoods were a staple of ancient Aztecs’ diets. Scientific research has brought them back to the modern world.

It is recommended that you take 1-3 grams of the superfood per day. However, research has shown that a dose no higher than 10 grams is most effective. The superfood is rich in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. Spirulina contains essential amino acids that are similar to those found in eggs. This makes it a great alternative protein source.

Spirulina has also been deemed one of nature’s most powerful elements in combating oxidative damage to the cells. They fight against the damaging effects of natural oxidation on your DNA and cell. This oxidative factor contributes to serious diseases such as cancer and chronic inflammation.

Modern Drugs: No More Adverse Side Effects!

This superfood is not a replacement for modern medications, but it can help you maintain your health. Spirulina, when taken regularly, is known to fight many of the diseases that plague our society today.

Take 2 grams of Spirulina daily to lower your triglyceride levels and cholesterol, which will reduce the risk of having a fatal heart attacks. These algae are also anti-inflammatory and have antioxidant properties.

Spirulina has also been studied in detail to determine its effects on cancer cells. Spirulina can help reduce cancer cell levels in the body. This is especially true for oral cancer. The cyanobacteria prevent the formation of pre-cancerous lesions in the mouth and inhibit their growth.

Superfoods also have an anti-anemia effect, preventing abnormalities in hemoglobin formation. The disease affects older adults and causes fatigue and feelings of weakness.

Spirulina supplements are designed to address the current health issues that our modern world faces without requiring expensive medical treatments or drastic medical procedures. Spirulina is one of our healthiest food sources and one of the most complete supplements that we can give ourselves.

The best spirulina on the market can help you enjoy the benefits of this superfood for a long time without having to pay excessive medical costs.