A pest is a living creature or animal that can cause harm to humans and the other creatures in their environment. Pest infestations are common, just like insects. Pests are not only unsightly, but also carry germs and spread them. Pests are the primary reason for their negative impact on your health. As soon as you notice the presence of these pests, it is important to eliminate them.
Common household pests that carry diseases
Rats and mice, in particular, are very common in rural areas. You can find mice and rats in cities, but it depends on how well maintained the home is. Rats are usually found in sewers, soiled places and other places. In search of food, they move into houses. They also hide in dark and dirty places inside the house to avoid being discovered. They contaminate houses with their urine and feces. These excretory products contain bacteria and pathogens that can contaminate surfaces. The urine of rodents, such as mice and rats, can carry harmful diseases, including meningitis, salmonella and other illnesses. Rat-bite fever or the plague can be caused by them. Rat poison and rattraps can be used to get rid of the pests. Make sure there is no food lying around that they can thrive on.
Mosquitoes are known to spread malaria. They also transmit dengue, yellow and zika fevers, among others. Mosquitoes can be a major pest, particularly in countries of the third world. Aerosol sprays are effective in killing mosquitoes.
Fleas and flies
Fleas do not fly and live on pests. They can jump high and get onto the body of the animal because they have strong legs. They can be found in the long grass at first and then attach themselves to any living thing. A flea bite can cause diseases such as anaphylaxis. Some people can have allergic reactions. These blood-sucking pests are more likely to bite children than adults. Children are more susceptible to the health effects of these pests.
Fly droppings and their body carry bacteria and diseases. These flies can spread diseases such as typhoid and cholera. By using insecticides, and keeping your home clean, you can eliminate fleas and other flies.
They are mainly found in sewers, but they will enter your home in search of warmth and food. Most of the time, they infest your home at night while no one is looking. They transfer the bacteria, parasites and pathogens they collect in the sewers onto surfaces they crawl on. The pests’ urine and droppings also contain bacteria and germs. Cockroaches also shed skin that decays and breaks down in the air. After decay, the bodies of dead cockroaches are also broken down and released into the air. These particles can cause health problems, such as asthma, in children. Some people may also experience allergic reactions. Chemicals like boric acid or aerosol sprays can be used to kill cockroaches.
Bed Bugs
Bedbugs can carry dangerous bacteria. A bedbug bite can cause medical problems such as rashes, lesions, or scars. Bedbugs are difficult to get rid of after an infestation because they prefer the woodwork in furniture, particularly beds. Bedbugs can cause psychological problems like anxiety, stress, insomnia and depression. The bites can make it difficult to sleep.
Pest Control Company
It is hard to eliminate pests when an infestation has become severe. This can be done by using chemicals and sprays available over the counter. You may need to contact a pest-control company. These companies can help you eliminate the problem by using chemicals and professional equipment. These companies are located in every state and city. If you live in Florida, for example, search online for pest control FL and select the best company to meet your pest control requirements.
Before hiring a company to handle your pest problem, shop around for the best rates and customer ratings. Take note that you may also need to take some personal control measures, such as keeping your home clean.