The Rise Of Remote Education During Pandemics: Pros and Cons

Our planet is billions of year old. It was unknown to the first human beings. With time, humans began to develop their senses. They began to explore the world and discover its secrets. This world’s mysteries are limitless. The mysteries of the world have been studied by many great scholars. The illiterate and ignorant people of the dark ages were the reason they couldn’t live through the centuries. Over time, solid evidence and shards of proof began to revolutionize the world. Inventions and innovation change our way of life.

We live in a time when knowledge is power. Education-oriented countries seem to be thriving. Their assets are peace and harmony. Their weapons of warfare are knowledge and skills. The technology has become a major factor in the education system. The way education is taught has changed from chalk to markers and virtual learning.

In 2020, a pandemic is sweeping the globe and forcing everyone to stay at home. To avoid being a victim of the pandemic, lockdowns, shut downs, and social distance become mandatory. Life goes on. We live in a fast-paced world. The era of remote learning started as educational institutions closed.

Even before the pandemic, many institutes were working to provide online degrees. You can earn a MPH online and get unrestricted benefits if you enjoy serving people. This pandemic opens the doors to remote education, where teachers and students do not have to be in the same location at the same time. Everything has its advantages and disadvantages. We will discuss the pros and con of remote learning to help you understand its importance.


Introduces Flexibility

We live in an incredibly busy world with tight schedules. Remote learning has brought flexibility to the lives of both students and teachers. Students can choose the best time for learning. The students can view the lectures whenever they are able. They can select which topics they want to cover quickly and which problems need more attention.


Remember when you used to get up early, eat breakfast, and prepare for school? This pandemic has, for a short time, removed the stress. You can attend online classes while wearing pajamas or blankets. You can view the content at a later time. The remote learning revolution has brought comfort to education.

Reduced Expenses

Visiting educational institutions comes with its own set of expenses. You know that you have to pay for transportation, lunch and buying notes. You don’t need to go to college anymore, so these expenses are no longer necessary. You can take notes on your screen, eat your lunch at home and use your electronic gadgets instead of taking the bus to class. You can save money when you’re not with friends.

Revision and Review

Online remote learning has the advantage that you can access your materials at any time. Online videos are a great way to keep in touch with lessons you may have forgotten because you didn’t take notes or were not interested. The internet is full of information, so you can search for related topics.

Increase in self-motivation

You become self-disciplined, and motivated. No one is there to make you focus and show interest. There is no teacher to force you to sit properly in class and pay attention. You must find the motivation to learn in front of a computer screen. This will help you to improve yourself and be more motivated.


Lack Of Physical and Social Interaction

Remote learning is when you are in a room, away from other people. You couldn’t communicate with your teachers or classmates. This makes you feel low in confidence. The student life is a great time to meet new friends, share your ideas and have fun.

Lack of Quality

Remote learning could compromise the quality of education. Learning has been limited by the lack of classrooms. Distance learning has this as one of its biggest drawbacks. The quality of education cannot be compromised because the students are our future.

Technical Issues

Problems are like presents when it comes to technology. Students can experience problems in online classes due to electronic gadgets and the internet. The lockdowns will prevent students from repairing their devices if they have any problems.

No Improvement in Interpersonal Skills

Students’ interpersonal skills are negatively affected by online classes. They are not developing the essential interpersonal skills for their futures due to lack of face-to-face communication.


This new trend in remote learning has its pros and cons. It’s changed how people live. Students’ lives have been changed by online education. It is up to them how they can improve their future. Survival depends on those who adapt to change as quickly as possible. Remote learning has been made possible by the pandemic, so students should become familiar with it and reap the benefits.